Here you are…the beginning of a New Year. The pressure is on to make some New Year’s Resolutions…both personally and professionally. My suggestion for this new year is try something a bit different. If you are establishing the traditional “to-do” resolutions like “lose 10 pounds” or “get out of debt,” maybe also consider adopting some positive ideas.

Stop with the “should-of, could-of, would-of’s” in your past. You know you are on the right track, when you become uninterested in looking back! So much of our energy is wasted in this exercise. Figure out the lesson learned and MOVE ON!

Be Grateful…for whatever you have. This is one that I work on continually, and even write down 5 things every day that I’m grateful for. And it can be simple items…like an incredible sunrise, new sneakers, buttery pancakes, children who are healthy, clean running water into my home. We have so much good in our lives, but seem to spend our thoughts on either the negative or what is missing.

Cherish those Stars in your life. Not the movie star kind, but instead those friends, family or co-workers who always have your back, who truly care when you are sick or down, and step forward to help when needed. These are the folks who mean the most. While they might not have the name recognition of an Oscar winner, they deserve a star in your walk of fame. Spend some meaningful time and conversations with these special people during the next year.

Do Something for You. If there is a place you have always wanted to visit, that new skill you’ve wanted to pursue (paddle boarding?), that activity you once loved, but never seem to have the time for now, it’s time. In the past 4 months, three cherished people in my life have either been diagnosed with a potentially terminal disease or unexpectantly passed away. Life is short…if there is something that you always wanted to do, someone you want to see again, or somewhere you want to visit…let this be the year…don’t wait any longer!

Be Open to the Possibility of the “YES!” When you are invited somewhere, placed in a new situation, or given an incredible opportunity, do you start putting up walls or give excuses? I encourage you to try something different…just say yes! Talk to someone new (yep, that person next to you on the plane!), take a diversion from your usual trek home, eat at the new restaurant where you can’t pronounce the menu items, or go to a museum, ballpark, or event that you would not normally visit. Stretch yourself in new ways. Remember when you were a kid and vowed you would never be that old curmudgeon who never tries something different? This is the year to break out of the box and prove it!
My wish is that 2017 is a healthy and happy one for you and your teams. And whatever you do this year, remember to “dazzle!”

Thank you to our member Tammy Rimes for providing us the opportunity to share this new year’s wish with you! Tammy is the owner of Hacienda De Las Rosas Winery and author of Drink Fine Wine…Ride Fine Horses – Leading the Life of Your Dreams.

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