Oh, my…..this is such a touchy subject! We started our dialogue and conversation on “ethics” at our recent CEO/Executive Panel Forum and the conversations got heated fast! We discussed what IS right vs. wrong in business…….and what determines whether a situation or scenario is right or wrong…….and how do we, as professional women in business maintain high standards and ethics?!
However you view ethics – values – fairness – or standards in business…..the answer, according to our panel forum is IT DEPENDS! Here were a few gems from our discussion and from our wonderful panelists:
1) Carma is a Sticky Bitch: Yes, you read this right. Kelly Lucente, CEO of Re-Tool Marketing said that, in essence, what you do in behavior and action will come around back to you eventually…..so be careful what you put out there!
2) You Have to Live With Yourself Your Whole Life: Eve Gumpel, owner of Good Writing Matters stated that this is the standard message she uses to gauge her behavior. In other words, if you can’t live with yourself all the rest of your life on your actions, you got trouble, girl!
3) Would Your Mother Approve: Another interesting analogy came from one of our attendees who shared that her gauge for ethical behavior is whether her mother would approve of her actions. If Mom would not, she would not! Simple and to the point.
There’s always great dialogue, conversation and shared experiences at our monthly breakfast panels! If you are a b2b woman who leads…..people, teams, projects or companies……why don’t you join us and experience the exchange of powerful ideas for advancing in business among peers who ‘get you’…….and who strive to find opportunities that support you professionally?! For more information on our CEO/Executive Panel Forums, check out our upcoming event calendar.
About Your Columnist
As the CEO and Co-Founder of Connected Women of Influence, Michelle Bergquist is a passionate advocate for women in business. At Connected Women of Influence, we believe that more women need to lead in business and everything we do is center-focused on designing platforms, programs, connections and collaborative opportunities for b2b women to prosper, succeed and lead the way in business today!
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