As the former Purchasing Agent for the nation’s 9th largest City, and a consultant for cities, counties and local agencies across the country, Tammy Rimes, Founder of Tammy Rimes Consulting knows government. Working with government contracts and employees is a whole different world. It takes a special approach, language, and understanding as to how they do business. How you typically approach business in your current environment will most likely not serve the same outcome in the world of government. So, what does it take to break into and compete in government today?
About Your Host
Deanna Potter is your host of Sassy Sales and Business Development, a show focused on down and dirty conversations from real women on real challenges in how to sell. As a woman business owner for the last 15 years, Deanna has delivered stellar sales results over the course of three downward markets. She is currently the Owner of Potter Coaching & Consulting and uses this back-ground to challenge business owners to maximize their potential through systems that focus on bottom line profits.
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“I thoroughly enjoyed your meeting and agree, the caliber of the group was several notches above the typical networking events. The women made efforts to draw one another into the conversations and are generous in sharing their knowledge and contacts. Kudos to you for starting and maintaining such a quality organization!”