At a recent Virtual Breakfast Forum the topic of discussion was “Play Big or Play Small?” The fun thing about open-ended topics like this is there is no predicting where the conversations will take us! In one of the breakout groups, we considered in what circumstances should we Play Big – make a big splash, assume a leadership role, move to the front – and when is it more beneficial to Play Small – step back, watch and listen and let others take the wheel. As we shared from our lived experience, we came to agreement that a savvy, confident professional considers the situation and then acts appropriately. There’s no need to push ourselves to self-promote and be out in front all the time … not when we might appear more self-assured when we allow others to take the lead. This is also a wise strategy when you’re not as informed as someone else, giving yourself the opportunity to expand your knowledge. On the other hand, when you are a subject matter expert in the given topic, leading with what you know is a great way to showcase your skills and talents and attract business and connections!
Another breakout group went in a different direction and focused squarely on the idea of risk. What are the factors to consider when we are weighing the pros and cons of Playing Big or Playing Small? Again, sharing from a vast array of experiences, it all came down to the opportunity cost of not engaging – what might be lost when we don’t roll the dice and take a chance and could we live with that?
As always, when a talented group of smart women come together, the conversations are rich, informative and – most important – challenging! If you’ve never experienced one of our Virtual Forums, join us as our VIP guest and join the conversation!
About Your Columnist
Michelle Bergquist is the Co-Founder and CEO of Connected Women of Influence, as well as a featured columnist for Women Lead, the official blog of Connected Women of Influence. Michelle is a passionate advocate for advancing women in business and believes more women can and should lead the way in business, industry and enterprise. Connected Women of Influence (CWI) is a national, invitation only association where women owners, executives and professionals connect, collaborate and cultivate a vast network of high-level affiliations, resources and professional relationships.
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