Women Lead Publishing Authors

Michelle Bergquist
Michelle Bergquist is your host of Women Leading the Way, a show about female leaders changing the face of business. As the CEO and Co-Founder of Connected Women of Influence, Michelle is a passionate advocate for advancing women in business. She believes that more women can and should lead the way in business. She is the author of How Women Sabotage Their Success in Business According to Men.

Bethany Kelly
Bethany Kelly is your host of Amazing Authors and Brilliant Books, a show that highlights authors with a unique message, who are using the experience of becoming an author to step up to the next level—in leadership or in their business. Bethany is the founder of Publishing Partner. She taps into her background in publishing as she supports authors in getting their book projects finally finished, creating beautiful books and having a great experience in becoming an author.

Women Lead Publishing
Women Lead Publishing is dedicated to serving established and aspiring women authors as a hands-on publishing partner and custom-fit solution for author services. Let us support you and translate your expertise, passion, thoughts and wisdom into published books.