About Your Host
John Burroughs is your host of Financial Fitness a show about real estate and finance that breaks down the walls surrounding the complicated and sometimes overwhelming content. As a senior mortgage loan officer with American Pacific Mortgage, John is passionate about guiding others through a seamless and transparent home buying experience. John absolutely loves what he does because he get to see the real tangible benefits and the joy his clients feel while navigating one of the most important financial decisions of their lifetimes.
John's Women Lead Radio Shows
As the Financial World Turns So Do the Rules & Regulations
Lorie Campbell, , WLR John Burroughs, WLR Michelle Bergquist, Women Lead Radio, 0Your fiscal fitness and financial planning in these rapid changing times.
Flexing Your Growth Muscles to Reach “Next Level” Revenues
Lorie Campbell, , WLR John Burroughs, Women Lead Radio, 0Hear about the difference between simple old school marketing and focusing on strategic growth.
Successfully pursuing your dream into the world of art in a pre-pandemic world.
How to put your best foot forward when it comes to your professional interactions.
Are women lead businesses more profitable? How holding onto fear holds you back.
Learn about the valuable services to help veteran owned businesses and those looking to start one.
Your Fiscal Fitness – Surviving COVID
Lorie Campbell, , WLR John Burroughs, WLR Michelle Bergquist, Women Lead Radio, 0Strategies for business survival during and after COVID.
Changes in the Mortgage Industry
Kristen Arellano, , WLR John Burroughs, WLR Kimberley Ausgood, Women Lead Radio, 0Need driven or want driven, how does this shift in drive steer the mortgage industry?
Plan Retirement Early So Your Money Is There When You Need It
Kristen Arellano, , WLR John Burroughs, Women Lead Radio, 0The Pandemic has made a huge dent in the nation’s ability and confidence to save for retirement. Millions of...
Never be afraid to take an unscheduled left turn from your career path.