Women Lead TV | Host Information Form Date of Your TV Show Episode: Your First and Last Name:* Episode Title (each show needs a brief, unique and distinct title for promotion when the show is posted on YouTube and the Women Lead TV series pages, must be less than 60 characters):* Your Guest First and Last Name:*Examples of Attention Getting Statements for Your Show Episode:- According to drgluck.com, it takes 47 muscles to frown but only 11 to smile!- Do you ever wonder what your business would be like if you followed four laws of promotion to success?!- It takes ten seconds to make a first impression. Please provide one attention grabbing sentence like the example above: (make a statement or fact, state a problem or issue, or ask a question that alludes to the focus of the episode) 2* Please complete this sentence - Join us for this episode where we'll discuss..... (one sentence that describes the overall episode focus): *SubmitReset Attend An Event As Our VIP & GuestJoin Us!