People often are taken aback when I ask this question during a keynote presentation. They most likely are thinking that “world famous” equates to the likes of Oprah, Cher, the Pope, or those people who are easily recognized by only their first name or title. That’s not what I mean at all. Are You World Famous in your world? In your business, in your reputation with those who work with you, and in the way that you create a service or product?
There is a little fish market in Seattle within the Pike Place Market. Anyone who visits Seattle often visit this little fish store. Why? Because they are World Famous. They even have a sign hanging above the store that says so! But this wasn’t always the case. Back in 1986, this store was considering bankruptcy. So they got together as a team and asked themselves how to move forward as a business. On that day, they put a stake in the ground and decided that they wanted to be world famous. People thought they were crazy…a little fish market…in Seattle…world famous? Well, you could not tell them different. So they installed their World Famous sign and started changing the way that they did business…they started throwing fish! And having fun! So much fish throwing that the downtown workers would come on their lunch hour to watch the show. Local residents would start bringing their out of town guests to see the show. Four years later, they were on national news. Books and videos on management have been written about this little fish store. And you know what…they sell a ton of fish! Their world famous attitude was catchy…and it turned into profits.
Looking at your business…is there a part where you can become World Famous? Put that sign up (even if its in your head) and become spectacular at what you do. Become known for it. Your customers will start flocking to see you throw your own fish!
About Your Columnist
Tammy Rimes is a featured columnist for Women Taking Charge, the official blog of Connected Women of Influence, where she covers how anyone can become spectacular at what they do. Tammy Rimes owns Hacienda de las Rosas Winery, featured on the front page of USA Today, and winner of the 2014 San Diego Reader’s Poll of Top 5 Wineries in San Diego County. Tammy is the author of “Drink Fine Wine…Ride Fine Horses – Leading the Life of Your Dreams,” a book that provides a fun and informative guideline on how anyone can begin their own dream life.
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