Women have had hard times through COVID. According to Gallup and based in part on the stats from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), women have left the workplace in far larger numbers than men and have been slower to return — one of the biggest reasons — schools were not open and lack of childcare.
Millennials have also had it tough…not able to find fulfilling jobs, businesses closing, having to live with friends or parents…or forced to move out to cheaper digs…such as housing in the more rural areas, a trend tracked by the Pew Research Center.
And then there’s Artificial Intelligence. AI has been “on the rise” before COVID, but the pandemic and the flight from jobs have accelerated the pace. AI will certainly bring lots of new jobs, but some 75 million net will be lost by 2022.
Whoa, Nellie, and hold on to your purse strings!! Where is the good news — especially for women? Meghan Prabhu gives six positives in “InHerSight.com,”
And, here are some of my thoughts:
1. Women pushed from the traditional workforce, are recreating themselves. They are discovering new products and services to offer to new audiences, through new outlets.
2. The exodus from traditional jobs has forced employers to look at what it takes to keep good employees, especially women who tend to add greater value at every level at which they participate….including the Board Rooms! If they stay in existing jobs, many feel more empowered to speak up for Equity.
3. Women and Millenials are both looking to the Rurals for better home values and smaller, closer communities. As 5G and better internet access are available, this may become the new “American Dream.”
4. Women are re-discovering “community” thanks to new and improved, live, audio/video streaming internet platforms and also new and inclusive women’s business organizations, like Connected Women of Influence! And,
5. Women are more financially savvy. Their self-confidence in business is leading them to learn and manage wealth their new wealth, from new online programs, such as our own“DiscoverWealth.com.”
About Your Columnist
Pat Lynch is a featured columnist for Women Lead, the official blog of Connected Women of Influence. She is a serial entrepreneur and was the first woman to begin a marketing agency alone in the South, at the age of 25. In 1996, she began WomensRadio(R) and in 1998, it became the first streaming site for women. Her company began AudioAcrobat(R), one of the first streaming tools, in 2004. Recently she helped to launch DiscoverWealth.com, streaming and teaching wealth-building. Coming next: an all-new WomensRadio.com and CreativesConnectLive.com!
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