About Your Host
You’re the leader in every other aspect of your life, but health. It’s time to stop giving your power away. Eva Vennari, host of Leading Your Health, asks you to question everything. Join the conversation to hear from today’s thought leaders with strategies and best practices to finally take the lead in your health journey. Question your health team members with confidence and then take action.
Eva Vennari is the founder and CEO of The Elevate Institute, a cutting-edge health practitioner firm specializing in Fortifying the Immune System to reverse Burnout professionals experience, without drugs, fads or trends. She is a certified Nutritional Counselor with Mineral Balancing Science supported by Near Infrared Sauna Therapy. She is also certified in Personal Nutrition, Crystal Chakra Healing, Akashic Record Reading, and a M.I.N.D.S. Holistic Alternative Psychology Master Practitioner.